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Big Baco Testo

Big Baco Testo

Regular price $45.32 USD
Regular price Sale price $45.32 USD
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How Can Big Baco Testo Work For Me?

Besides being famous as the hormone primarily responsible for masculine characteristics, testosterone is also necessary for aspects of general health, such as supporting muscle mass, muscle strength, sperm quality/production, dispersing fat throughout the body, and maintaining good bone density.
Testosterone is a natural anabolic steroid, which means it is a hormone that increases protein production in skeletal muscle cells.
Testicles produce testosterone in men while the ovaries produce small amounts of testosterone in women. The adrenal glands also produce minimal amounts of testosterone as well.
Baco: Is the best testosterone supplement; to give you all the benefits of a healthy testosterone level. Providing faster recovery from exercise, bigger and stronger muscles, and increased libido, to name a few. Big Baco Testo is here to help you enhance your health. 


 10 Benefits of Testosterone for Men and Women

Yes, Women too!

  1. Low testosterone levels in middle-aged, overweight men may correlate to diabetes and increased body mass index (BMI).
  2. Cardiovascular benefits of testosterone include reduction of cholesterol and decreased risk of heart disease. Research has found that bio-identical hormone replacement therapy for men and women improves cholesterol files while also lowering serum total cholesterol.
  3. Testosterone may decrease coagulating factors in the blood. When blood is prone to coagulating in veins and arteries, heart attacks and stroke risks rise in men and women.
  4. Low testosterone levels optimized by bio-identical testosterone seem to dilate blood vessels and reduce the risk of hypertension (endothelial resistance). Both benefits support cardiovascular health.
  5. Declining levels of testosterone in men and women often have a negative impact on mood, anxiety, and depression since testosterone plays a role in regulating serotonin release in the brain. Increasing testosterone levels with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy may help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression by supporting the re-uptake of serotonin similar to the way antidepressants work to regulate mood.
  6. Lower testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin levels may make women prone to suffering carotid atherosclerosis. Evidence could suggest that postmenopausal women using BHRT may reduce their risk of being diagnosed with atherosclerosis.
  7. For men diagnosed with CAD(coronary artery disease), testosterone replacement therapy may help increase blood flow within and surrounding the heart while acting as an effective vasodilator.
  8. Men with erectile dysfunction may be suffering from low testosterone. BHRT, along with any necessary medical interventions, may help men overcome erectile dysfunction and low sex drive
  9. Low testosterone levels may be a risk factor in the development of Alzheimer’s disease for both men and women.
  10. Replacing testosterone with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy may reduce the risk of osteoporosis by improving bone mineral density. Estradiol and testosterone therapy for women has shown to significantly benefit bone mass density after only 12 months of BHRT (Hormone Therapy).

Active Ingredients In Baco:  are all-natural and have many different  benefits 

 Magnesium, zinc, Tribulus Terrestris, Chrysin, Horny Goat weed, Longjack, Saw Palmetto Berries, Hawthorn Berries, Cissus Quadrangularis



Helps Decrease Blood Pressure
Helps with anxiety 
Helps with the Immune system 
Helps Increase energy
Helps Increases Testoterone
Help Prevents Hair loss 
and much more 

Testosterone Isn't Just for Men

Consult with your doctor to know if your low on Testosterone

Women produce testosterone naturally, secreting the hormone from their ovaries and adrenal glands. It's key in ovarian function, which means that women with proper testosterone levels ovulate regularly. Testosterone also improves bone strength, elevates mood, and is even thought to stimulate sexual appetites. According to a recent study by scientists in Italy, women who received small doses of extra testosterone reaped a number of benefits. The news is especially promising for older women who, like men, experience a decline in hormone production as they age.

Horny Goat Weed
How Can Horny Goat Weed Work for Women?

 What does horny goat weed do aside from increasing your drive? While it may boost sexual activity, that is far from its only purpose.

Horny goat weed for women offers a wide range of potential effects and benefits to your overall health. Horny goat weed can be taken for premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopausal symptoms. This is because horny goat weed is rich in prenylated flavonoids which have phytoestrogenic ( increase estrogen), or weakly estrogenic activity. PMS happens when the body produces less estrogen prior to menses. Premenstrual syndrome comprises a wide range of symptoms that can vary in type and intensity. These symptoms often include:

  • Mood swings
  • General fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Tender breasts
  • Sudden changes to appetite or food cravings
  • Sleep problems
  • Depression12

Menopause happens when the ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone completely. Symptoms of menopause include:

  • Vaginal dryness
  • Low libido
  • Anxiety
  • Brain fog
  • Moodiness
  • Hot flashes
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Night sweats

In both cases, symptoms come as a result of shifts in hormonal balance, which result in significant physiological issues.

 Consult with your doctor to know if your low on Testosterone


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